1. Share Your GIF: n this activity, everyone shares a GIF or a meme that represents how they feel, or how their weekend or previous day was.
2. Virtual hat: In a virtual hat game, everyone adds one or more facts about themselves or brief anecdotes about their lives to a “hat” from which the facts will be drawn. For remote teams, the “hat” can be a simple shared Google doc. To play the game, someone reads one of the facts, and participants try to guess which of their teammates submitted it.
3. #Dog-of-the-Day: A #Dog-of-the-Day channel to allow people to share pictures of pets can really boost morale.
4. Show and Tell: Before your next team meeting gets going, take a few minutes to go around and offer people the chance to share something they’re proud of, happy about, or enjoying lately.
5. Daily Photo: A channel could be created for your team to share pictures from their lives: cute new shoes, a snowy morning, newly reorganized desk, or the first flowers of spring.